Nothing stands still and the need for a continuous community approach
Continuous Community Clue #002
One of the core ideas around The Continuous Community Framework is the idea that communities are continuously evolving and we have to forever be evolving with them.
We don’t just reach a point and say: “tada, look we have community our job is done.”
It’s more we continue building, adapting, shrinking, or growing. We look at how our community flywheels are spinning and we make decisions about what needs to stay, be reviewed or be added. World, market and technology changes are prime contributors to the need for continuous change.
Of course, this is not specific to the community industry, this is applies to life, work and businesses in general. Nothing stands still. Knowing that this applies to our communities is important to help us cope, design and strategize our way through building communities.
The Stack Overflow example
I write this now as I gather thoughts and make plans for Continuous Community and as I am reminded that this can happen to any community, no one is immune to this.
A recent example that I can see lots of change happening right now is Stack Overflow, a long standing community that relies on human knowledge that is perhaps now more easily available through AI.
Of course, this does not mean Stack Overflow will die right now. As a non-developer, I feel totally unqualified to comment or predict that, but it definitely means that they have challenges and changes ahead.
It’s interesting to see their stance that Community is the future of AI, and I’ll be keeping a close(ish) eye to see what changes they need to make.